Directora | ||
Dra. Fernandez Honaine Mariana
Investigadora CONICET Independiente Jefe/fa Trabajos Prácticos Simple |
Borrelli, N. L., Romanelli, A., Fernández Honaine, M., Farenga, M., Fabiani, A., Esquius, K. S., & Osterrieth, M. (2022). Dissolved silica dynamics, transfer and retention in a temperate groundwater flow-through shallow lake of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. Aquatic Sciences, 85(1), 10.
Camargo, M. S., Fernández Honaine, M., Osterrieth, M. L., Bozza, N. G., da Mota Silva, V., Benvenuto, M. L., & de Almeida Silva, M. (2021). Silicon fertilization increases gas-exchange and biomass by silicophytolith deposition in the leaves of contrasting drought-tolerant sugarcane cultivars under well-watered conditions. Plant and Soil, 466, 581–595.
Frayssinet, C., Benvenuto, M. L., Osterrieth, M. L., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., & Fernández Honaine, M. (2021). Content and Dynamics of Silicophytoliths and Silicon in Pristine Soils and Agroecosystems in the Southeast of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. In P. Bouza, J. Rabassa, & A. Bilmes (Eds.), Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina (pp. 456–479). Springer International Publishing.
Fernández Honaine, M., Benvenuto, M. L., Montti, L. F., Natal, M., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., Altamirano, S. M., De Rito, M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2020). How Are Systematics and Biological and Ecological Features Related to Silica Content in Plants? A Study of Species from Southern South America. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 182(3), 210–219.
Fernández Honaine, M., Benvenuto, M. L., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2019). Una técnica sencilla para la visualización de silicofitolitos en plantas mediante clarificación y montaje en aceite de inmersión. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 54(3), 353–365.
Paolicchi, M., Benvenuto, M. L., Fernández Honaine, M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2019). Root silicification of grasses and crops from the Pampean region and its relevance to silica and silicophytolith content of soils. Plant and Soil, 444, 351–363.
De Rito, M., Fernández Honaine, M., Osterrieth, M. L., & Morel, E. (2018). Silicophytoliths from a Pampean native tree community (Celtis ehrenbergiana community) and their representation in the soil assemblage. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 257, 19–34.
Altamirano, S. M., Borrelli, N. L., Benvenuto, M. L., Fernández Honaine, M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2018). Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Plant Communities of the Southeast of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. In K. Endo, T. Kogure, & H. Nagasawa (Eds.), Biomineralization (pp. 303–311). Springer Singapore.
Fernández Honaine, M., Benvenuto, M. L., Borrelli, N. L., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2016). Early silicification of leaves and roots of seedlings of a panicoid grass grown under different conditions: anatomical relations and structural role. Plant Biology, 18(6), 1025–1030.
Osterrieth, M. L., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., & Fernández Honaine, M. (2015). Silica biogeochemical cycle in temperate ecosystems of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 63, 172–179.
Benvenuto, M. L., Fernández Honaine, M., Osterrieth, M. L., & Morel, E. (2015). Differentiation of globular phytoliths in Arecaceae and other monocotyledons: morphological description for paleobotanical application. Turkish Journal of Botany, 39(2), 341.
Montoni, M. V. F., Fernández Honaine, M., & Del Río, J. L. (2014). An assessment of spontaneous vegetation recovery in aggregate quarries in coastal sand dunes in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Environmental Management, 54(2), 180–193.
Fernández Honaine, M., Borrelli, N. L., Osterrieth, M. L., & Del Río, J. L. (2013). Amorphous silica biomineralizations in Schoenoplectus californicus (Cyperaceae): their relation with maturation stage and silica availability Biomineralizaciones de sílice amorfo en Schoenoplectus californicus (Cyperaceae): su relación con el estado... Boletín de La Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 48(2), 247–259.
Fernández Honaine, M., Borrelli, N. L., Osterrieth, M. L., & Del Río, J. L. (2013). A morphous silica biomineralizations in Schoenoplectus californicus (Cyperaceae): their relation with maturation stage and silica availability. Boletín de La Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 48(2), 247–259.
Benvenuto, M. L., Fernández Honaine, M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2013). Amorphous silica biomineralizations in Polytrichum strictum Menzies ex Brid.(Bryophyta). Journal of Bryology, 35(2), 112–118.
Benvenuto, M. L., Fernández Honaine, M., Osterrieth, M. L., Coronato, A., & Rabassa, J. (2013). Silicophytoliths in Holocene peatlands and fossil peat layers from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, southernmost South America. Quaternary International, 287, 20–33.
Fernández Honaine, M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2012). Silicification of the adaxial epidermis of leaves of a panicoid grass in relation to leaf position and section and environmental conditions. Plant Biology, 14(4), 596–604.
Co-Director | ||
Dra. Tonello Marcela Sandra
Investigadora CONICET Adjunto Jefe/fa Trabajos Prácticos Simple |
Sánchez Vuichard, G., Tonello, M. S., Stutz, S., Navarro, D., & Vásquez, C. (2023). Pampa Plain (Argentina) Wetland History through a Lake Case Study: Kakel Huincul Environmental History during the Last 600 Years. Wetlands, 43(1), 15.
De Francesco, C. G., Stutz, S., Hassan, G. S., Tonello, M. S., Sánchez Vuichard, G., Bonavita, M. I., García Rodríguez, F., & Fontana, S. L. (2022). Climate, sea-level and anthropogenic processes controlling the environmental evolution of shallow lakes in the southeastern Pampa plain (South East South America) during the last 12 ka. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 116, 103856.
Sánchez Vuichard, G., Stutz, S. M., Tonello, M. S., Navarro, D., Schmelz, M., & Fontana, S. L. (2021). Structure and dynamics of a Pampa plain, (Argentina) shallow lake over the last 600 years. Journal of Paleolimnology, 66, 141–155.
Sottile, G. D., Echeverría, M. E., Tonello, M. S., Marcos, M. A., Bamonte, F. P., Rayó, M. C., & Mancini, M. V. (2020). Dynamics of the Andean vegetation of lake Argentino (50° S, 72° W) since glaciers retreat (ca. 12,000 cal years BP). Andean Geology, 47(3), 599–627.
Berman, A. L., Silvestri, G. E., & Tonello, M. S. (2020). Paleoclimatic context of projected future warming in southern South America. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 141(1), 173–181.
Oca, F. M. D., Tonello, M. S., Massaferro, J., Plastani, M. S., & Laprida, C. (2020). The chironomids (diptera: chironomidae) of shallow lakes of the humid pampa region, Argentina: an approach to paleoproductivity reconstruction. PALAIOS, 35(4), 191–200.
Messineo, P. G., Tonello, M. S., Stutz, S. M., Tripaldi, A., Scheifler, N., Pal, N., Sánchez Vuichard, G., & Navarro, D. (2019). Human occupation strategies and related environmental-climate during the middle and late Holocene in central Pampas of Argentina. The Holocene, 29(2), 244–261.
Berman, A. L., Silvestri, G. E., & Tonello, M. S. (2018). On the differences between Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene climates in southern South America simulated by PMIP3 models. Quaternary Science Reviews, 185, 113–121.
Berman, A. L., Silvestri, G. E., Rojas, M., & Tonello, M. S. (2017). Accelerated greenhouse gases versus slow insolation forcing induced climate changes in southern South America since the Mid-Holocene. Climate Dynamics, 48(1–2), 387–404.
Berman, A. L., Silvestri, G. E., & Tonello, M. S. (2016). Differences between Last Glacial Maximum and present-day temperature and precipitation in southern South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 150, 221–233.
Stutz, S. M., Tonello, M. S., González Sagrario, M. de los Á., Navarro, D., & Fontana, S. L. (2014). Historia ambiental de los lagos someros de la llanura Pampeana (Argentina) desde el Holoceno medio: Inferencias paleoclimáticas. Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis, 21(2), 119–138.
Investigadores | ||
Dra. Alvarez Maria Fernanda
Investigadora CONICET Asistente |
González, P. G., Martínez, G. A., Álvarez, M. F., Río, J. L. D., & Taverna, B. D. (2021). Evaluación de los procesos antrópicos y naturales que inducen la removilización de un campo de dunas sobre la ruta provincial 11, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. GeoFocus. Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica, 27, 135–160.
Frayssinet, C., Benvenuto, M. L., Osterrieth, M. L., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., & Fernández Honaine, M. (2021). Content and Dynamics of Silicophytoliths and Silicon in Pristine Soils and Agroecosystems in the Southeast of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. In P. Bouza, J. Rabassa, & A. Bilmes (Eds.), Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina (pp. 456–479). Springer International Publishing.
Álvarez, M. F., Poch, R. M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2021). Bioporosity in Thin Sections of Luvic Phaeozems of Southeast of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Its Possible Role as an Indicator of Soil Quality. An Micromorphological Approach. Eurasian Soil Science, 54, 918–926.
Fernández Honaine, M., Benvenuto, M. L., Montti, L. F., Natal, M., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., Altamirano, S. M., De Rito, M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2020). How Are Systematics and Biological and Ecological Features Related to Silica Content in Plants? A Study of Species from Southern South America. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 182(3), 210–219.
Álvarez, M. F., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2018). Submicroscopy of aggregates of luvic phaeozems under different land uses in the southeast of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Eurasian Soil Science, 51(12), 1487–1496.
Álvarez, M. F., Osterrieth, M. L., & Cooper, M. (2018). Changes in the porosity induced by tillage in typical Argiudolls of southeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, and its relationship with the living space of the mesofauna: a preliminary study. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77(4), 134.
Zaninovich, S. C., Montti, L. F., Álvarez, M. F., & Gatti, M. G. (2017). Replacing trees by bamboos: Changes from canopy to soil organic carbon storage. Forest Ecology and Management, 400, 208–217.
Osterrieth, M. L., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., Nóbrega, G. N., Machado, W., & Ferreira, T. O. (2016). Iron biogeochemistry in Holocene palaeo and actual salt marshes in coastal areas of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(8), 1–12.
Osterrieth, M. L., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., & Fernández Honaine, M. (2015). Silica biogeochemical cycle in temperate ecosystems of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 63, 172–179.
Dra. Montti Lia Fernanda
Investigadora CONICET Adjunto |
Oliveira-Costa, J. L. P., de Figueiredo, R. F., Pivello, V. R., Montti, L. F., & Fagúndez-Pachón, C. (2023). Understanding Eco-Geographical Relationship in Invaded Ranges by Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd.: An Intercontinental Case Study on Acacia Invasions. In S. Tripathi, R. Bhadouria, P. Srivastava, R. Singh, & D. R. Batish (Eds.), Plant Invasions and Global Climate Change (pp. 139–172). Springer Nature.
Smith, M. N., Stark, S. C., Taylor, T. C., Schietti, J., de Almeida, D. R. A., Aragón, S., Torralvo, K., Lima, A. P., de Oliveira, G., de Assis, R. L., Leitold, V., Pontes-Lopes, A., Scoles, R., de Sousa Vieira, L. C., Resende, A. F., Coppola, A. I., Brandão, D. O., de Athaydes Silva Junior, J., Lobato, L. F., … Nelson, B. W. (2023). Diverse anthropogenic disturbances shift Amazon forests along a structural spectrum. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21(1), 24–32.
Villagra, M., Trentini, C. P., di Francescantonio, D., Eleuterio, A. A., Foletto, F., Montti, L. F., & Campanello, P. I. (2021). Disturbance as a driver of trait assembly in liana communities in a semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest. Plant Ecology, 222(7), 773–790.
García-Díaz, P., Cassey, P., Norbury, G., Lambin, X., Montti, L. F., Pizarro, J. C., Powell, P. A., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Cava, M., Damasceno, G., Fasola, L., Fidelis, A., Huerta, M. F., Langdon, B., Linardaki, E., Moyano, J., Núñez, M. A., Pauchard, A., Phimister, E., … Tomasevic, J. A. (2021). Management Policies for Invasive Alien Species: Addressing the Impacts Rather than the Species. BioScience, 71(2), 174–185.
Montti, L. F., Velazco, S. J. E., Travis, J. M. J., & Grau, H. R. (2021). Predicting current and future global distribution of invasive Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton: Assessing emerging risks to biodiversity hotspots. Diversity and Distributions, 27(8), 1568–1583.
Fernández Honaine, M., Benvenuto, M. L., Montti, L. F., Natal, M., Borrelli, N. L., Álvarez, M. F., Altamirano, S. M., De Rito, M., & Osterrieth, M. L. (2020). How Are Systematics and Biological and Ecological Features Related to Silica Content in Plants? A Study of Species from Southern South America. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 182(3), 210–219.
Nanni, A. S., Rodríguez, M. P., Rodríguez, D., Regueiro, M. N., Periago, M. E., Aguiar, S., Ballari, S., Blundo, C., Derlindati, E., Blanco, Y. D., Eljall, A., Grau, H. R., Herrera, L., Herrera, A. H., Izquierdo, A. E., Lescano, J. N., Mazzini, F., Milkovic, M., Montti, L. F., … Gasparri, N. I. (2020). Presiones sobre la conservación asociadas al uso de la tierra en las ecorregiones terrestres de la Argentina. Ecología Austral, 30(2), 304–320.
Fernandez, R. D., Ceballos, S. J., Aragón, R., Malizia, A., Montti, L. F., Whitworth-Hulse, J. I., Castro-Díez, P., & Grau, H. R. (2020). A Global Review of Ligustrum Lucidum (OLEACEAE) Invasion. The Botanical Review, 86(2), 93–118.
Fadrique, B., Veldman, J. W., Dalling, J. W., Clark, L. G., Montti, L. F., Ruiz‐Sanchez, E., Rother, D. C., Ely, F., Farfan‐Ríos, W., Gagnon, P., Prada, C. M., García, J. C. C., Saha, S., Veblen, T. T., Londoño, X., Feeley, K. J., & Rockwell, C. A. (2020). Guidelines for including bamboos in tropical ecosystem monitoring. Biotropica, 52(3), 427–443.
Zaninovich, S. C., Montti, L. F., Álvarez, M. F., & Gatti, M. G. (2017). Replacing trees by bamboos: Changes from canopy to soil organic carbon storage. Forest Ecology and Management, 400, 208–217.
Montti, L. F., Carrillo, V. P., Gutiérrez-Angonese, J., Gasparri, N. I., Aragón, R., & Grau, H. R. (2017). The role of bioclimatic features, landscape configuration and historical land use in the invasion of an Asian tree in subtropical Argentina. Landscape Ecology, 1–19.
Dr. Sottile Gonzalo David
Investigador CONICET Asistente Prof. Adjunto Simple Jefe/fa Trabajos Prácticos Simple |
Marcos, M. A., Bamonte, F. P., Echeverría, M. E., Sottile, G. D., & Mancini, M. V. (2022). Paleoenvironmental Changes for the Last 3000 Cal Years BP in the Pueyrredón Lake Basin, Southern Patagonia, Argentina. Quaternary, 5(4), 49.
Echeverría, M. E., Bamonte, F. P., Marcos, M. A., Sottile, G. D., & Mancini, M. V. (2022). Past vegetation reconstruction maps and paleoclimatic variability inferred by pollen records in southern Patagonia Argentina since the Late Glacial-Holocene transition. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 116, 103834.
Marcos, M. A., Bamonte, F. P., Echeverría, M. E., Sottile, G. D., & Mancini, M. V. (2022). Changes in vegetation and human-environment interactions during the Holocene in the Lake Pueyrredón area (Southern Patagonia). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 31, 291–305.
Sottile, G. D., Echeverría, M. E., Tonello, M. S., Marcos, M. A., Bamonte, F. P., Rayó, M. C., & Mancini, M. V. (2020). Dynamics of the Andean vegetation of lake Argentino (50° S, 72° W) since glaciers retreat (ca. 12,000 cal years BP). Andean Geology, 47(3), 599–627.
Echeverría, M. E., Bamonte, F. P., Marcos, M. A., Sottile, G. D., & Mancini, M. V. (2017). Palaeohydric balance variations in eastern Andean environments in southern Patagonia (48°-52.5° S): Major trends and forcings during the last ca. 8000 cal yrs. BP. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 246, 242–250.
Sottile, G. D., Echeverría, M. E., Mancini, M. V., Bianchi, M., Marcos, M. A., & Bamonte, F. P. (2015). Eastern Andean environmental and climate synthesis for the last 2000 years BP from terrestrial pollen and charcoal records of Patagonia. Climate of the Past Discussions, 11, 2121–2157.
Bamonte, F. P., Mancini, M. V., Sottile, G. D., Marcos, M. A., & Gogorza, C. (2015). Vegetation dynamics from Lago San Martín area (Southwest Patagonia, Argentina) during the last 6,500 years. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 24(2), 267–277.
Becarios | ||
Wraage Carolina Pía
Becaria Doctoral – CONICET |